This class brings into focus the objectives and orientation of Medical Astrology from a holistic perspective. We will discuss underlying principles that allow a holistic perspective of approaching Medical Astrology with discernment. Prerequisite information will be given so that new students of astrology will be able to follow through class. Intermediate and advanced students will still benefit greatly from taking this class as it reflects on perspectives not often shared. This is 1 of 5 in a 5 part transmission
This class brings into focus the objectives and orientation of Medical Astrology from a holistic perspective. We will discuss underlying principles that allow a holistic perspective of approaching Medical Astrology with discernment. Prerequisite information will be given so that new students of astrology will be able to follow through class. Intermediate and advanced students will still benefit greatly from taking this class as it reflects on perspectives not often shared. This is 1 of 5 in a 5 part transmission